A "Telicon" component is a user interface element used to display a set of icons that represent various concepts, objects, or actions in a visual and symbolic manner.
Use Cases:
✅ Visual representation: Use the "Telicon" component to visually represent different elements, such as objects, actions, or concepts, within your user interface.
✅ Enhancing user understanding: "Telicon" components can help users quickly understand the purpose or functionality of specific UI elements by associating them with recognizable icons.
✅ Navigation and interaction: Utilize "Telicon" components to create intuitive navigation menus, buttons, or links that are visually appealing and easy to identify.
✅ Providing feedback: "Telicon" components can be used to provide visual feedback to users, such as indicating a successful action with a checkmark icon or an error with a warning icon.
Not to Use Cases:
❌ Excessive use: Avoid overloading your interface with too many "Telicon" components, as this can lead to visual clutter and confusion.
❌ Irrelevant icons: Do not use "Telicon" components that do not accurately convey the intended meaning or purpose of the associated UI element.
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