A "Button" component is a fundamental user interface element used to trigger actions or interactions within an application. It provides a clear and visually prominent way for users to perform actions.
Use Cases:
✅ Triggering actions: Use "Button" components to allow users to initiate actions such as submitting forms, saving changes, confirming selections, or starting processes.
✅ Navigating: "Button" components can be used to guide users to different sections of an application, such as moving to the next page, opening a modal, or displaying additional content.
✅ Clear call to action: Use "Button" components to highlight important actions you want users to take, such as "Sign Up," "Add to Cart," or "Start Now."
✅ Consistent interaction pattern: Buttons provide a consistent and familiar way for users to interact with your application, helping to improve usability and user experience.
Not to Use Cases:
❌ Non-actionable elements: Do not use "Button" components for elements that do not perform an action, such as decorative elements or static labels.
❌ Overuse of buttons: Avoid overwhelming users by using too many "Button" components on a single page or screen, as it can lead to confusion and visual clutter.
❌ Critical actions without confirmation: For irreversible or critical actions (e.g., deleting an account), avoid using "Button" components without confirming the user's intention to prevent accidental actions.
❌ Inconsistent design: Ensure that the design, placement, and behavior of "Button" components remain consistent throughout your application to provide a unified user experience.
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