An Avatar component is a visual representation or image associated with a user, entity, or participant in an application. It is typically displayed as a small, circular-shaped image
Use Cases:
✅ Displaying a user's profile picture or photo.
✅ Showing the image of a person or entity associated with a message or comment.
✅ Representing a user or participant in a chat or messaging application.
✅ Displaying a visual representation of a user's online status (e.g., a colored indicator).
Not to Use Cases:
❌ Using Avatars to display complex images or illustrations that do not represent a specific user or entity.
❌ Using Avatars as the primary means of conveying important information or notifications.
❌ Overusing Avatars excessively throughout an application without clear purpose or context.
❌ Using Avatars as interactive components that trigger actions or behavior when clicked.
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