A "Text" component is a versatile user interface element used to display various types of text-based content, including headings, paragraphs, et
Use Cases:
✅ Headings and titles: Use the "Text" component to create headings and titles that introduce sections of content and provide hierarchy within the layout.
✅ Paragraphs and body text: Present longer pieces of content, descriptions, or explanations using the "Text" component's paragraph style.
✅ Labels and captions: Utilize the "Text" component to provide labels, captions, or annotations for other UI elements, such as form fields, images, or icons.
✅ Buttons and links: Incorporate the "Text" component in buttons, links, or clickable elements to indicate actions or navigation.
Not to Use Cases:
❌ Decorative text: Avoid using the "Text" component solely for decorative purposes, as it should always convey meaningful content to users.
❌ Excessive use of styles: Do not overly use bold, italic, colors, or other styles that can distract from the content or make the text difficult to read.
❌ Important information only in text: Do not rely solely on "Text" components to convey critical information. Visual cues, icons, and other UI elements should complement the text for better accessibility and understanding.
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